
Toll Management Support

Once you’re signed up with RentAAA, all your customers need to do is register on our online portal before renting a car. Customer must provide payment method and accept our terms and conditions to be charged for tolls.

No More
Pending Tolls

No More
Unpaid Tolls

No More Late

Multiple Management

Reduce management
time by 90%

No late payment


Pay As You Go

Simplify toll payments in an easy and efficient way! Just authorize us to pay your tolls on your behalf and provide a payment source with a minimal management fee.

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    Automate tolls

    Experience seamless journeys with our automated toll payment integration. Effortlessly track toll charges, process payments, and access real-time reports.

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    No pending tolls

    Eliminate the hassle of pending tolls with our car rental software. Our automated toll management service ensures all toll charges are promptly processed, leaving no pending tolls for you or your customers.

Toll Forwarding Service

Say goodbye to toll hassle! If you have received tolls by mail, just scan all your tolls into one file and leave the rest to us. No sorting needed! We'll handle everything from there, charging only a Management fee and Declaration fee. Simplify your toll management today!

Reduce time with toll management 

Efficient toll management solutions reduce processing time, optimize efficiency, and minimize delays. Streamlined billing and reporting save customers time by simplifying expense tracking and reconciliation.

No late payment charges

By automating payments and enabling real-time processing, toll management solutions help users avoid late fees, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience for travelers and businesses.

Embark on your rental success with RENTAAA 

Get Started With RentAAA Today